Wear or carry Picture Jasper when traveling abroad, especially for backpacking or living in other countries. Wear or carry this stone to inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting your own business. Picture Jasper encourages initiative and is particularly helpful in all business pursuits. It is an excellent talisman for psychic artists who paint spirit guides. Picture Jasper inspires creative visualization and is ideal for overcoming writer’s or artist’s block. It is particularly resonant with Earth-centered magical practices and ceremonies employing elemental forces. Picture Jasper is highly beneficial for locating ley lines and power points of the Earth’s meridian system for assistance when setting up energy grids, positioning a home or other new construction, or for maximizing energy transfer in healing or psychic endeavors. It forms most often in shades and combinations of brown, gold- to reddish-brown, black, blue, tan or ivory, though other colors may be present. Picture Jasper’s earthy colors are due to high iron content and other minerals or impurities that create its artistry. It occurs in nodules or as fillings in fissures and may be found the world over, usually named for the specific localities where it is mined. On cut or polished stones, these variations appear as detailed images or “scenes.” Because of its unique landscape patterns and wide range of colors, Picture Jasper is one of the most sought after and famous varieties. Picture Jasper is an opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz with extraordinary color banding, veining and depositional flow patterns created by petrified or silicate mud and sometimes dendritic inclusions. It instills a sense of proportion and harmony, enlivening one’s creativity and initiative, and is a marvelous talisman for bringing hidden emotions to the surface for healing. Ī nurturing, protective stone, Picture Jasper brings comfort and alleviates fear, stimulating not only the Base Chakra in providing physical and spiritual energy for the body, but also activates the Third Eye Chakra enhancing visualization. It encourages ecological responsibility, and acts as a reminder that one is not here on the physical plane simply for oneself, but to bring joy and substance to others. It allows access to the vast records stored within the planet’s mineral data base, and may be used to view the world’s history and connect with the energy of sacred sites and ancient civilizations. Highly attuned to the Earth’s electromagnetic fields and energy systems, Picture Jasper provides a remarkable ability during meditation to merge with the consciousness of Earth.

It is perhaps more closely connected to the planet than any other Jasper and is known today as the Stone of Global Awareness. It was revered in many cultures of the world for its deep connection to the Earth, its protection during shamanic journeying, and its ability to divine the land and the future.

Picture Jasper, a remarkable form of Brown Jasper, is characterized by masterful “scenes” and landscape patterns formed by Nature, and is believed to contain hidden messages from the past. The name can be traced back in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek and Latin, and the virtues of Jaspers have been extolled throughout the ages by the most noted physicians, magicians, poets, scientists, lapidaries and scholars. They were known as the “rain bringers” and nurturers, healers of the spirit and stones of courage and wisdom. Jaspers have been revered by ancient peoples and civilizations throughout the world as sacred and powerful stones of protection, for both the physical and spiritual realm. Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Picture Jasper Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses and Meaning of Picture Jasper The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals